Health and Wellbeing Nominees


Conor is a well loved, well respected Registered Nurse at St Vincent’s Public Hospital, in the Emergency Department. He accepted the calling to work in the public hospital system in Ireland and travelled to Australia to experience a different health system to what he trained in. Australia, Sydney and St Vincent’s are better for having him in their midst. He is caring, compassionate and a consummate team player, always on the lookout to assist where he can, before being asked; takes the lead as necessary and provides backup during traumatic situations, lends a shoulder to those in need of support, listens before speaking and gives insight into scenarios that may unsettle many. He is a silent leader, happy to share knowledge without belittling others if they are not as confident as he is in procedures.


Paula is a proud Irish woman and someone who shows compassion and commitment each and everyday through her work as a mental health Clinical Nurse Consultant.

Paula has worked at St Vincent’s Hospital mental health service for over a decade. She is empathetic, kind and advocates for her patients without hesitation. Paula has provided care, support and time to those most disadvantaged and vulnerable within Sydney community. She strives to ensure access to care for all and places particular focus on consistency in care management/provision. She also identifies the need for family and carer involvement in patient care.

Paula volunteered with St John of God Ambulance service and completed mental health assessments for those rough sleeping throughout the CBD.

Paula has acted as a bridge within the health care system both through her work and volunteering by building rapport and trust with those may not otherwise access mental health care.

Paula acts as a mentor and support to all her Irish colleagues providing support and encouragement to those far from home. She is committed to psychological safety in the workplace and provides clinical supervision for those who need it.

Martin is a community warrior. He has always puts others in front of his own. He is always on hand to look after the elderly, helping with their shopping , and whatever they need. He has organised multiple charity events, spot prizes for locals and even through covid again puts himself on hand to help everyone locally.



Sandra takes time out of her already busy schedule to provide tailored, personal advice to expecting mothers in a practical way that supports their personal needs and choices. Her business provides essential knowledge and support to women that is not always accessible and puts women at ease while preparing them for birth and motherhood. She does this alongside furthering her own knowledge and education through her master’s degree and working as a midwife to make sure she provides the best care for her clients. Sandra also offers free classes to any women in difficult life circumstances. i.e. domestic violence, homelessness &/or financial hardship.

She continues to provide high quality care and education to women during pregnancy and ensures that every woman has a voice.


For close to 20 years Anne has focused her boundless energy on building a world-class Bequest program to ensure the very best health services are available to sick children accessing paediatric health care in NSW. Anne has a unique way of building trusted relationships in her work with Bequests and Planned Giving. Through her gift of storytelling, Anne brings to life the stories of those who have left a gift or a legacy, ensuring that their names are not lost or forgotten.

Caitlin McGillion

Amazing nurse working all over the hopsital. She goes above and beyond to give high-level care.

How’s The Head is a beacon of hope and support for men navigating the labyrinth of mental health challenges and combatting the challenge and fear linked with relocating on your own on the other side of the world. How's the Head stands tall as a community-based sanctuary, meeting every Saturday morning without fail week after week. It is a safe space for people to meet up – not centred on alcohol, sport, agendas, or with cost attached; which sometimes precludes people from the outset; solely a safe space for a swim, chat, coffee, and conversation.


Catherine is a single mum of 3 girls. She moved here from Ireland straight into nursing and caring for every person in her care with complete dedication. She cares for her 3 girls who all have mental illness but she helps each of them have the best life possible. Her partner left and she took on all responsibilities with strength and grace. She takes pride in her uniform and being an Irish Australian. She is the strongest woman I have ever met and continues to grow every single day. She helps many other teens by taking them in when they need a meal or a safe place to rest. She creates a comfortable and safe space for anyone who needs it just by being in her presence. She continues to love her job and care for her coworkers and patients with complete dedication and warmth. She is a support system for so many people all throughout her life and always makes people feel at home, heard and seen.

Catherine Ebeyer

Ruth is well known for her exceptional dedication and unwavering commitment as a Mental Health Clinician, supporting individuals experiencing homelessness as part of the St Vincent Homeless Health. Ruth has tirelessly advocated and supported the most vulnerable people in Sydney for over 10 years. Ruth embodies a profound sense of compassion and genuine care for those in need. She also provides excellent mentorship and guidance to sector partners (including NSW Police, City of Sydney council and HOMES NSW) to ensure that those working in homelessness have a good understanding of the appropriate health interventions available to people sleeping rough.

Ruth’s work extends far beyond the confines of a job description; it embodies a profound sense of compassion and genuine care for those in need. Day in and day out, she selflessly works to improving the lives of individuals who are often overlooked and marginalised by society. Whether it's advocating to the Director of Housing and creating a detailed admission pathway, Ruth’s impact is immeasurable.



Shannen dedicates an incredible amount of effort to her wellness events, workshops, and retreats. Her passion for improving mental health is evident in her continuous study and upgrades over the past few years. She truly deserves to be celebrated for her hard work and dedication. Despite her tireless late nights and heavy workload, Shannen remains focused on giving back to others. She contributes to charity, actively engages in community initiatives, and constantly supports people from behind the scenes. It's time for Shannen to recognise the immense support she has and to celebrate her well-deserved recognition.