Michael, a 52-year-old man, originally from Cork, had been living in Sydney since the nineties, losing touch with his family over this time. He didn’t have a valid visa and had been relying on cash in hand work to survive. With tighter immigration and employment restrictions, Michael found it more and more difficult to find work. Eventually, he became homeless, chronically unwell, and too frightened of deportation to seek medical help.
By the time Michael approached us he had:
Been homeless for almost 10 years
Had no identification or documentation
Become chronically unwell
Developed anxiety, especially around authoritative officers including immigration and police.
How we helped
Over several weeks our Caseworker built up trust with Michael and set a plan to help him return to Ireland. This involved:
Assistance accessing a flight to Ireland through the International Organization of Migration.
Attending the Department of Immigration with him where he was granted a bridging visa - allowing him to pass through the airport legally.
Encouraging reconciliation with long-lost family members.
Providing food, accommodation and toiletries until he was ready to return.
Liaising with the Irish Consulate in Sydney to obtain documentation and a passport.
Transporting Michael to the airport, helping him through the check in process.
Arranging an airport transfer and accommodation in Dublin for the first week.
Referral to Dublin based Crosscare Migrant Project for assistance with applications for a disability pension and housing.
Michael was successful in applying for the disability pension and long-term social housing in Ireland. He reconnected with his family and most importantly, he was finally able to access medical help for his complex range of physical and mental health issues.
The weekend before Christmas, John's mother called us to let us know that he had agreed to come home to his family and they had bought him a flight. John was however very confused, had no money for food, and had gone out to the airport over 30 hours before he was due to board his plane. She didn’t think that he’d get on the plane if someone wasn’t there to help him through the process and she was further upset because she couldn’t reach him by phone. His family had tried to arrange a bed for the night and secure access to food but the distance and lack of communication made it almost impossible to do.
John was facing the journey of his life to get back home to Ireland, but mental health issues, a broken phone and no cash made it seem impossible that he would ever get home to his family at all.
How we helped
One of our team, who had met John a few months previously, travelled to the airport and found him in a very disorientated state, hungry, thirsty, and having completely lost track of time. Some food, his first in 24 hours, and a phone call to his mother went a long way to improving the situation. We helped John get through the minefield of the check-in process, baggage allowances and kept an eye on the time so that he knew he was all set to get home for Christmas. It was still a very anxious time for John, as his fears built about the journey and things left undone here. We were able to reassure him that his family would be there to meet him at the other end and that he’d have Christmas at home.
John got home safely to his family for Christmas, where he had the support of his loved-ones and access to the vital services and treatment options he needed. It was clear that the presence of someone to look out for him, to be there with him, to point him in the right direction was fundamental to giving him the confidence to take the next step on his life journey.
Hugh, a long-time sufferer of complex psychiatric illnesses, approached us after a run-in with the law. Over the coming months, Hugh had many encounters with addiction and correctional services, acute medical hospitalisations, and multiple involuntary detentions under the Mental Health Act. Each step of the way, he and his family at home were supported by a member of the Irish Support Agency.
How we helped
Over many months, members of the ISA team worked with Hugh to:
Support him by attending all court proceedings
Secure access to primary care services with a specialist Mental Health GP
Liaise with agencies such as Drug and Alcohol Assessment Services, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services, Correctional Services, and Hospital Mental Health Team
Organise Emergency Accommodation
Visit and replace essential clothes and toiletries while in hospital
Provide financial assistance for core outpatient medical expenses
Provide emotional support by phone when distressed, often many times a day and late into the night
Liaise with family members back home to appraise and support.
The Agency became the sole line of support for Hugh while he awaited court proceedings. Legal matters were eventually resolved and Hugh was free to return to Ireland and access the medical services he so desperately required.
Details have been changed to protect clients’ privacy.