Eastern Suburbs
www.easternsuburbsmums.com.au : is a webpage that shows various kids playgroups and what’s happening all over the eastern suburbs from Vaucluse, Rushcutters Bay to Malabar. It is also a great resource for new and expectant mothers with loads of information on different topics readily accessible.
The Junction Neighbourhood Centre (JNC)
The JNC is not-for-profit organisation working to provide a variety of free services and parenting workshops / programs for local families in the Eastern Suburbs to support your family in diverse ways.
Offering both in person and online workshops.
Go to https://jnc.org.au/family-services/ for their full range of services on offer.
Bondi Playgroup
Wairoa Ave, Bondi Beach NSW 2026
0457 125 367
Bondi: Francis Street
Thomas Hogan Reserve, Francis St, Bondi NSW 2026
02 9130 3803
CMP Playgroup Bondi Junction
Ages 0-5 years
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9.30- 11.30am during school terms
Level 2, Church in the Marketplace, 400 Oxford Street Mall, Bondi Junction
02 9387 2300
Hope Playgroup
Playgroup in Maroubra Junction 829 Anzac Parade, Sydney, Australia, NSW 2035
0410 585 175
Maroubra Fun Messy Mates
Runs monthly for a small fee in Maroubra
www.funmessymates.com.au to book and check it out.
Rushcutters Bay Playgroup KU Pre School
7A Waratah Street, Rushcutters Bay NSW 2011
9.30 am - 11.30am Tuesdays and Fridays for under 4s.
Babies meet at 9.30 am to 11.30am on Thursdays.
Bondi Yeshiva Tots
Yeshiva Centre 36 Flood Street, Bondi NSW 2026
0423 352 886
Clovelly Playgroup
Burnie Park Community Centre, Arden Street Clovelly
Monday 9:30am - 11:30am
Wednesday 9:30am - 11:30am
Friday 9:30am - 11:30am
Hillsdale Mums Group: Meet regularly, do regular events, have a WhatsApp group, do some weekly exercise. Cover Maroubra to La Perouse areas. Can be accessed via Facebook
Malabar Playgroup
St Marks Church, cnr Victoria & Franklin Street Malabar NSW 2036
Every Friday during school term time 9:30am - 11:30am
North Bondi Playgroup Hall Early Childhood Centre
Cnr Brighton Blvde & Wairoa Ave, Bondi North 2026
0425 226 386
Rose Bay Playgroup
The Cottage, Rose Bay Golf Club, O’Sullivan Road, Rose Bay 2029
02 9391 7170
Speaking groups 10.00am -12.00noon
English: Tuesday & Wednesday
Hebrew: Thursday
Japanese: Friday
Waverly St Charles Playgroup
Thursday 9am-11am during school term at Mary Immaculate Church Parish Centre, 45a Victoria St, Waverly
Inner West
Dympna Kennedy offers a range of programs that support new parents during the first 1,000-days; from birth to preschool. These include Father & Baby Workshops, New Mum Classes right through to 'The Testing, Tricky & Terrific Toddler Programs'.
Northern Beaches
Irish Mums Northern Beaches/North Shore www.facebook.com/groups/812327732807708/
Western Suburbs
Western Sydney has Irish Mums Western Sydney mostly mammies from the Hills District
South Sydney
Shire Irish Mammies www.facebook.com/groups/557819528225782/?ref=share
Central Coast
South Eastern Sydney
They run a range of Supported Playgroups to help you enjoy the early years rather than survive them. There’s a mix of free play, music, and stories, as well as a shared morning tea. All babies and children (0-6) are welcome to the Supported Playgroups.
South West Sydney
Camden/Macarthur Area have a lovely group called the Camden/MacArthur Irish Mammies www.facebook.com/groups/355327245656039/?ref=share
North West Sydney
West Ryde: West Ryde Wombats West Ryde Hall, 1A Station Street, RYDE WEST, NSW 2114. The West Ryde Wombats Playgroup caters for babies up to school-aged children. Their sessions offer a mixture of free play and group-based activities, organised by the families attending. They also share morning tea together. It costs $20 per term to attend, plus you must be a member of Playgroup NSW. www.facebook.com/westrydewombats/ on Instagram under - westrydewombats or email westrydewombats@gmail.com
NSW Libraries
Libraries all over NSW run Rhythm Time sessions for kids of all ages from 3 months to 5 yrs check out your local one. They are running online classes during covid, which last 25-30 minutes.
Other resources
www.startingblocks.gov.au is an excellent starting point for parents looking for childcare facilities in their area. It includes details of the NQS (National Quality Standards) rating for each facility.
www.mumspace.com.au & www.panda.org.au are great resources. Mumspace can be accessed via Facebook and both sites support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of expectant and new mothers and families.
www.playgroupnsw.org.au is another great resource where you can check out where your nearest playgroup is.