A virtual gathering of inspiration and conversation live from the west coast of Ireland with bestselling Irish author Ruairí McKiernan.
Registration is free and attendees will have the opportunity to pose questions. A Zoom link will be sent prior to the event.
Originally from Cootehill in County Cavan, McKiernan now lives in Lahinch, County Clare, on the wild west coast of Ireland. His debut book Hitching for Hope – a Journey into the Heart and Soul of Ireland was recently published by US publisher Chelsea Green and went straight to number 1 in the Irish Times paperback non-fiction bestseller charts.
Described as a ‘powerful manifesto for hope and healing in troubled times’, Hitching for Hope is part personal pilgrimage, and part political quest that captures the power of human resilience’. The book is a reflection of a hitchhiking listening tour McKiernan undertook around Ireland during the bleak 2013 recession, while he was contemplating the prospect of emigration. The book is also a memoir reflecting on his 20 years’ work as a trailblazing social leader in Ireland and it is very much a timely celebration of the value of community spirit, kindness and collective action in today’s troubled world.
The book has received widespread praise from readers and reviewers alike and has been championed by the likes of Christy Moore, Peggy Seeger, Colum McCann, Frances Black, Damien Dempsey, Joanna Macy, Bill McKibben and more.
To register your interest and to receive the zoom link, please email us below with the subject line, hitching for hope.