Becoming a parent is one of life’s greatest moments. But it can also be extremely difficult. When you throw a global pandemic into the fold, the challenges that you are faced with can seem even more overwhelming.
Being away from your family and friends is hard as it is, let alone when you have a new baby and all you crave is to have your loved ones close by.
Join us as we welcome Michelle Bates from Child, Youth and Family Services NSW, who will address the supports that are currently available for all parents living in NSW, regardless of visa or medicare status.
From finding out your pregnant (What now?!) to the challenges of parenthood, myths of parenthood, mental health challenges, signs to look for and where to go for support, resources to use, services to reach out to in these challenging times.
We will also be hearing from some contributing parents who have gone through their own heartache during the past 18 months.
This will be a highly informative session for all parents so please join us live on zoom where you will be able to contribute/ask your own questions.