ISA News & Events April Edition


In our last edition of the ISA newsletter I talked about the difficult time Australians and Irish Australians were experiencing as a result of the bushfires. Little did we know back then about the new challenges that lay ahead. 

While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all in some way or another, I want to reassure our members that we are working around the clock to make sure that the Irish in NSW have a safety net during this unprecedented time. 

We have made several changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic including:

  • Suspended our Seniors programs including Cara Club and Silvers Surfers computer class

  • Closed our INA based office and supported our team to work remotely from home

  • Scheduling regular staff and committee meetings to manage our response to COVID-19 and the huge demand this has put on our team.

I would like to thank our team for the tremendous effort they have put in over the last few weeks to deal with huge demand being placed on our services. They have worked tirelessly to answer the endless queries from concerned Irish citizens in NSW and to provide reliable information and financial support when needed. 

We thank the many volunteers and community members who have reached out to offer support over the past few weeks. I hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe and well during this challenging time. 

Best wishes


ISA COVID-19 online resources

During times of crisis, it is important to access reliable and trustworthy information to inform decision making. We have pulled together a list of recommended resources and put these together in our new COVID-19 section on our website. 


Staff Update

After six jam packed months at the Irish Support Agency we are sad to say goodbye to our Project Officer Paula, who has recently left us to complete further study. We wish her all the best for the future and thank her for her enthusiasm and hard work.


We now welcome Nicola Farrell as our new Project Officer. Nicola is originally from Kilkenny and has been in Australia with her family for 13 years. Originally trained as a nurse, she also has significant experience in project management and business and is well connected within the Irish Community. 

Nicola has been well and truly thrown in at the deep end since she joined, keeping abreast of developments and government advice to ensure our team has access to accurate information for our clients. She is looking forward to getting to know you all over the coming months. 


Irish Life Down Under Podcast

Friend of the ISA, Paul Kilroy, interviews Consul General Owen Feeney in his latest episode of the Irish Life Down Under Podcast. Owen answers listeners questions about Irish DFA's response to COVID-19 and outlines offical Government advice for Irish Migrants in Australia. 

The episode is available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.


Community Strong

Identifying the huge demand that will be placed on our services over the coming weeks and months, Paul has also set up a fundraising page for the Irish Support Agency. 
We appreciate that these are unsteady times for everyone right now, but if you are in a position to contribute towards this appeal we would be very grateful for your support.
Be assured that we carryout a comprehensive assessment of each individual that requests assistance, and first identify any government support they are entitled to before offering financial help. This ensures that we have funds available to help those who are most in need.


St Patrick's Day 2020

We were devastated for the Sydney St Patrick's Day Organisation Committee who were forced to cancel this year's parade after months of planning and hard work. 

We thank them for their efforts to celebrate St Patrick's Day in Sydney each year and we hope they have a well earned rest before coming back bigger and better than ever next year. 


We miss these faces!

We are missing our regular catch ups with our seniors at Cara Club and Silver Surfers but we must consider the best interests of our members at this time. 

We have instigated a new outreach program for our seniors whereby the Committee / Staff are reaching out by telephone to offer social support during what is undoubtedly a difficult time. This allows us the opportunity to make sure they are adequately supported in their home environments but also to offer a chat to those who may feel isolated. If you know of some one who might benefit from this program, please ask them to give us a call.  


It's ok not to be ok

It is normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, worried or anxious in times of uncertainty, but there are some simple things you can do right now to help maintain your mental health and wellbeing.

Check out our latest blog post for some helpful wellbeing advice and information on where to seek help, if required. 


Tenants know your rights


Maintaining Mental Health During COVID-19